San Antonio Blue Bonnet Minis

Blue Bonnet Mini Session in Garden Ridge, Texas

san antonio photographer

I love Texas, and therefore, I love blue bonnets! They only come around once a year in April and May, so why not take advantage of this beautiful scenery and taking a few photos in a sea of blue. I love them also because it’s like God is giving us a physical reminder that spring is here and winter is over. What a beautiful spiritual symbolism as well.

“Weeping may tarry for the night,
but joy comes with the morning.”

Psalm 30:5

I recently went through a tough season, and it actually just so happened to occur in winter, January 2019. After a month of waiting, and weeping, my family and I got answers and God got us through. Read more on my personal blog. During this tough month, the trees were so bare and the atmosphere was foggy. But then the blue bonnets started blooming, and God reminded me that weeping doesn’t last very long; difficult seasons come, but they don’t last forever. Spring comes, and that means joy comes again! I hope this encourages someone to endure the difficult times and wait for spring!

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