Phil Hardberger Park

I know I’m late to the game, but I just recently photographed some families at Hardberger Park, and it was awesome! It gives me Cibalo Nature Center vibes, but it’s much closer than Boerne. (Although, nothing compares to Cibalo haha) Why haven’t I shot here before?!
Either way, Phil Hardberger Park is a great photography location in San Antonio for any type of session. If you like tall grass, open space, trees, and a little bit of building in the background, then this location is a great option.
Updated March 2020: Here are some recent photos of families at Phil Hardberger Park, including my own!

My gender reveal photos were taken by my amazing friend, Michelle Jones Photography, at the park.

This next session below was with my pastor’s family. I have grown closer to this family during the last year, and I’m so grateful for their counsel and prayers. Find someone you can talk to and people who will challenge you to grow.
This next family is one I met via Instagram! Follow me on Instagram, where I keep my most recent sessions. Cloe and her boys were so much fun to work with. Their baby boy, who is my son’s age, was so adorable, but he had that mischievous cute look that gets you haha. I don’t know how you could discipline him, Cloe. He would get me with those eyes!